Home > Creating/Managing Estimates > Using Project Folders

Using Project Folders 


On the “Project List” window, you can set up “project folders” to better organize your projects. This option is particularly useful if you keep a large number of projects “online.” You can set up folders for specific lettings, different estimators, various project types (Bridge, Paving, Grading, Etc.), different bidding authorities, successful bids or any other categorization method. Once you have created a folder, you can then move projects into that folder.






Press the NEW FOLDER button to create a new folder. Once you have created a folder (and placed projects into the folder, see Move Project, below), simply double click the folder name to view the projects in that folder.




Highlight the folder to delete and press the DELETE FOLDER button. If any estimates are contained in the deleted folder the estimate(s) WILL NOT be deleted, but simply moved into the main folder.




To move a project into a folder, highlight the project and press the MOVE PROJECT button then select the destination folder.

Figure 2



See also

Creating an Estimate
Load from Disk
Save to Disk
Delete an Estimate
Merge Estimates